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    范迪安,1955年生于福建,曾任中央美院副院长,教授,现任中国美术馆馆长,中国美协副主席,全国美术馆专业委员会主任,中国油画学会理事,全国政协委员。从事20世纪中国美术研究、当代艺术批评与展览策划、艺术博物馆学研究。曾担任威尼斯双年展中国国家馆、中法文化年、中意文化年、上海双年展等展览项目的策展工作。1985年在中央美术学院读研究生、获硕士学位;2005年12月至今任中国美术馆馆长(2006年3月起兼任中国美术馆党委副书记);2014年9月22日起,范迪安任中央美术学院院长;2016年12月,当选中国文学艺术界联合会第十届全委会委员。范迪安的油画作品《引得春风进山来》参加了第二届全国青年美展;策划了“水墨本色”、“第25届巴西圣保罗双年展”中国馆等展览;担任“都市营造――2002上海双年展”主策展人;第五十届、五十一届“威尼斯双年展”中国国家馆策展人、总策展人;中法文化年“20世纪中国绘画展”、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心“中国当代艺术展”策展人。“艺术之巅”系列艺术推广活动艺术总顾问;2005年12月调任中国美术馆馆长。在他的支持下,2008年北京中国美术馆举办的“盛世和光——敦煌艺术大展”吸引了许多观众的目光。每天近2万、最多时达2.8万人的观众数量。发表论文与著作(含合著):发表有《学院的当代使命》、《美术学院:跨世纪的思考》、《西北风仪——西北师大美术系教师作品展观后》等画册撰著评论文。著有《当代油画十家风格与技法研究》(合作)、《当代文化情境中的水墨本色》,主编《世界美术院校教育》等丛书。 Fan Dian, born in 1955 in Fujian, the former vice president of the Central Academy of fine arts, Professor, director of China Museum of fine arts, vice chairman of China Artists Association, director of the National Art Museum of Specialized Committee, director China oil painting society, member of the CPPCC National committee. Engaged in Chinese Art Studies in twentieth Century, contemporary art criticism and exhibition planning, Art Museum studies. He served as curator of the Venice Biennale, China National Pavilion, Sino French cultural year, Chinese Italian cultural year, Shanghai Biennale and other exhibition projects.In 1985, a graduate student at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, received a master's degree; in December 2005 has served as curator of China Art Museum (March 2006 served as Deputy Secretary of the Party committee Chinese Art Museum); in September 22, 2014, Fan Dian was elected Dean of China Central Academy of Fine Arts; December 2016, Chinese literary and Art Federation Chairman tenth committee.The oil paintings of Fan Dian "in the second national youth art exhibition attracted the spring breeze into the mountains"; "ink color planning" and "the twenty-fifth Brazil St Paul Biennale" Chinese Museum exhibition; as the "Urban Creation -- the 2002 Shanghai Biennale" curator; the fiftieth, the fifty-one Venice Biennale "China National Museum curator, chief curator; Sino French culture year" in twentieth Century China painting exhibition ", Paris Pompidou Art Center" China contemporary art exhibition curator. "Art summit" series of art promotion art general counsel; in December 2005 was transferred to the China Art Museum director. With his support, in 2008, Beijing's China Art Museum held the "spirit and light - Dunhuang Art Exhibition" attracted many viewers' eyes. Nearly 20 thousand people a day, up to 28 thousand viewers.Published papers and Writings (including co authored):A "School of Contemporary Mission:", "Academy of Fine Arts: cross century thinking", "Feng Yi - Northwest Northwest Normal University Department of fine arts teachers Exhibition" and other pictures of view after writing essays. Author of "contemporary oil painting ten styles and techniques research" (cooperation), "contemporary culture in the context of ink color", editor in chief "world art academy education" and other books.
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